Two days of HEMA event, focused on Joachim Meyer works : the printed book from 1570, naturally, but also the manuscripts (mostly Munich and Lund).
Masterclass, Workshops, and even maybe some lectures.
Confirmed masterclasses by:
– Kevin Maurer
– Bjorn Rüther
– Dominik Eaton
Workshops by:
– Olivier Dupuis (rapier and long pike)
– Daniel Jaquet and Jonathan Hily (dussack)
– Quentin Pringarbe (dagger)
– Alexander Klenner (staff)
Friday afternoon
15h-17h Visit of the restoration workshops of the cathedral (3 Rue de Rohan, 67000 Strasbourg – https://goo.gl/maps/DLUha5QQZNjPvbpK7)
Saturday morning
1st slot – 10h-13h Masterclass by Dominik Eaton
2d slot – 10h30-12h00 Long pike by Olivier Dupuis
Saturday afternoon
1st slot – 14h-17h Masterclass by Björn Rüther
2d slot – 14h30-16h30 Dussack by Jonathan Hily and Daniel Jaquet
Sunday morning
1st slot – 10h-13h Masterclass by Kevin Maurer
2d slot – 10h30-12h30 Staff by Alexander Klenner
Sunday afternoon
1st slot – 14h-16h Dagger by Quentin Pringarbe
2d slot – 14h-16h Rapier by Olivier Dupuis
The entire event takes place in the sports hall at 43 Allee des Comtes, 67200 Strasbourg:
This sport’s hall has it’s own parking, and is closed to the tramway station « Ducs d’Alsace ».
Dominik Eaton’s masterclass
Meyers treatise is a book of many uses. It is a historical document, it provides quasi-encyclopedic systems of names, concepts and exercises for a variety of weapons and it also has a strong critical-didactic dimension. In this lecture and workshop I shall focus on this critical-didactic dimension of the treatise. The argument I would like to pursue is that Meyers treatise is primarily meant to convey concepts and skills in a pragmatic way (Practick) and only secondarily meant as what we today might call an ecyclopedic or analytic list of techniques and concepts. This argument needs strengthening, since most of what Meyer does in the treatise, is list techniques and concepts. So my argument goes that the analytic part of the treatise should be read as being in service of the successful practise, not an end in itself. As the base for this argument I will point towards Meyers medium-critical passages and general descriptions of the art. In the workshop we will be looking at skills and concepts, that are texually restricted to being mentioned in one of the books of the treatise, and how they are helpful across books/weapon categories.
Kevin Maurer’s masterclass
Kevin Maurer’s Masterclass will approach the art of Joachim Meyer in a holistic sense.By using the Dussack and Longsword, the physical instruction will provide the student with the rules or precepts that Meyer intended to be used across the spectrum of all of his weapons. Several of the most revealing Stucke will be dissected and used to teach a combination of physical techniques. Together we will learn the guiding principles of Meyer’s art, such as footwork, body positioning, handworks, strikes and parries. Even though this class will cover the deeper aspects of Meyer’s art, it is not essential that the student be a devotee of Meyer. These techniques are primarily intended to give the fencer the ability to provoke and react successfully during the fight. In addition, special emphasis will be given to the new material found in the recently rediscovered 1561 Munich Manuscript. And by identifying the material that is covered in all of his known works, a positive understanding of his core will be had. Within the instruction Kevin will also share fun and meaningful facts about Meyer’s written works. Looking forward to seeing you all in Strasbourg.
Björn Rüther’s masterclass
The Halberd – Graceful Power. The halberd was a universal weapon for a very long time. It is still used for ceremonial purposes today and has lost none of its symbolic effect. But in the past it was an effective and popular weapon. In this workshop, the basic movement principles of this pole weapon will be brought closer and then deepened in order to use them against a handful of standard situations.
Saturday Dinner
The Saturday dinner, for anyone having opted for this option, will take place at 8 o’clock in the evening in the restaurant « Au Pont Saint-Martin », in the city center: